Beautiful Balconies - wrought iron ornamentation in Copenhagen

An original cast iron balcony from 1893 in Copenhagen.

Theres beautiful wrought and cast iron balconies in Copenhagen, Denmark are all from around 1880-1900. More than 100 years but still functional. The buildings are build in different historicism styles typical for the time (1880 to 1910).

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Beautiful balconies from 1880s in Copenhagen near Kongens Nytorv and Amalienborg

Mansion from 1898 in Copenhagen. Wrought iron fence and balcony 

Newly constructed wrought iron balconies on a building from 1902 in Copenhagen
Cast Iron balconies from 1885 and 1900. 

Cast Iron balconies from 1885. Neoclassic details in the facade.

Cast Iron Balconies around 1899

Cast Iron balconies from 1888. The new technologies from industrial revolution made it possible to enforce the structure with cast iron and create beautiful cast iron balconies.

The bricks are full of details forming flowers, birds and ornaments

The yellow bricks and many details are typical from the time. 1885.


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